Well if there was any a time to just let go of any beauty regime, a lock down would probably be it. But self care is at the forefront for a lot of us. Whether it’s the latest skin care product must-have, or a juice detox cleanse (not for me thank you!), or a good old fashioned face mask, the question for us lashaholics is, can I live without eyelash extensions?
Well ladies, Covid has taught us we can live without many things, but lash extensions are not one of them! But in all honesty, if you are having a lash break, the Jamaican black castor oil is very good for hair growth. As is a good diet, and maintaining those stress levels (easier said then done hey!).
Thankfully, this time for Ibiza’s 2nd lockdown, beauty salons are able to remain open. And I am super grateful for this! As an eyelash extension lover and fanatic for many years, I know a lot of my clients would agree with me, that eyelash extensions really do make us feel a little bit better during these gloomy days.
I continue to ask all clients to remain respectful of Covid laws, so us small businesses can continue to operate safely:
Please arrive on time, not too late or too early, so I have enough time to deep clean in between clients.
Please use the available hand sanitizer on arrival.
Please come alone to your appointment.
Please bring your own refreshments to the appointment if required.
Please reschedule your appointment if you have been in contact with someone positive for Covid 19, or you have symptoms.
Please wear your mask, this is mandatory! I will always be wearing one. Wearing is caring.
I will not be doing mobile visits, only at my home, where I have a controlled sanitized environment.
Please bring warm clothes as the window will be open to ensure good ventilation.
….I just wanted to also say a huge thank you to my continued clients, I am beyond grateful to have such wonderful clients.
Oh and here’s a ridiculous video of me during the 1st lockdown where I learnt to do eyelash extensions on myself (strongly not recommended if you are not qualified!). I had a lot of time on my hands.
I sincerely hope you are all happy and healthy.